Student Association

ASEED, One of the student associations in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Singaperbangsa Karawang University, specifically in the English Language Education study program.



HIMABI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris)

HIMABI was founded on 9 July 2011 and Approved on 23 December 2012. The first Chief Excecutif of HIMABI was Anggie Yuliawan Wibowo, the second was Sanjaya, the third was Dessy Andary, the fourth was Dede Rizwan Fauzi, and The fifth chief executive of HIMABI was Ina Ilmalawati. 


ASEED (Association of Students of English Education Department)

when the sixth chief executive of HIMABI, Muhammad Muflih, there was a change in the name of the association. From HIMABI to ASEED, which stands for Association of Students of English Education Department. This change was precisely ratified during the implementation of the "Musyawarah Luar Biasa" on February 4, 2017. HIMABI or hereinafter referred to as ASEED is under the supervision of the Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Nia Pujiawati S.S., M. 



The vision of ASEED UNSIKA is summarized in the word “VERB” which stands for Visionary, Effective, Reactive, and Being Together. 


  • Making ASEED a forward-looking student association (positive) and able to accommodate aspirations and provide solutions. 
  • Innovating excellent programs both short and long term that have real essence and output. 
  • Organizing and or participating in national and international scale activities. - Building management and English Education students who have a critical sense in developing their broad insights. 
  • Strengthening ASEED's internal and external working relationships based on kinship, togetherness and mutual cooperation.